npj-量子材料(英文)(npj Quantum Materials)(OA学术期刊)(国际期刊)(可网站投稿)

《npj-量子材料(英文)》(npj Quantum Materials)(不定期),杂志于2016年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,由Springer Nature 和南京大学共同出版。该刊发表经同行评审的高质量的原创论文,以及评论、编读往来、会议报告等内容,涵盖量子材料及其基本特性、制造和应用等,反映该领域的最新科学进展。


npj-量子材料(英文)(npj Quantum Materials)(OA学术期刊)(国际刊号)


出版周期:不定期 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2397-4648


《npj-量子材料(英文)》(npj Quantum Materials)


npj Quantum Materials 创刊于2016年,由Springer Nature 和南京大学共同出版。该刊发表经同行评审的高质量的原创论文,以及评论、编读往来、会议报告等内容,涵盖量子材料及其基本特性、制造和应用等,反映该领域的最新科学进展。

npj Quantum Materials杂志涉及的研究领域:

npj Quantum Materials isan open access journal that publishes works that significantly advance theunderstanding of quantum materials, including their fundamental properties,fabrication and applications.

Researchareas specifically covered in the journal include:

Superconductivity and Superconducting Materials: unconventional superconductors, cuprates, iron-based systems, heavyfermion superconductors, other novel superconductors

Correlated Electronic Physics and Materials: mott insulators, magnetism in correlated electron systems, colossalmagnetoresistance, multiferroicity and multiferroics, quantum phasetransitions, theory and numerical methods in correlated electron systems

Topological Quantum Physics and Materials:topological insulators and topologicalsuperconductors, dirac semimetals and weyl semimetals, majorana fermions,magnetic topological insulators, novel topological quantum states, topologicalheterostructures and devices

Other Correlated Systems:

heavy fermions, non-fermi liquids, quantumcritical phenomena, quantum hall effects and fractional quantum hall effects,correlations in artificial quantum structures, Bose-Einstein condensation andsuperfluidity, ultracold atoms and related systems

Quantum Phenomena in Advanced Energy Materials: photovoltaic systems, photocatalysis, batteries and fuel cells,thermoelectrics, other advanced energy generation and storage.

Condensed Matters and Materials Science Issues inAdvanced Quantum Technologies: including but notlimited to quantum computations, quantum simulations, quantum communications,and quantum sensing among others.

《npj-量子材料(英文)》(npj Quantum Materials)作者须知


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