出版周期:季刊 级别:国际刊号
(Geosystems and Geoenvironment)期刊简介
Geosystems and Geoenvironment 是一本由中国海洋大学、青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室与爱思唯尔合作出版的英文国际跨学科季刊,发表地球与环境科学跨学科领域的高质量原创研究文章和及时综述文章。
Geological and geodynamic processes
Climate dynamics and deep-time paleoclimate
Modern and paleo-environment
Ocean dynamics and paleo-oceanological processes
Ecology including paleo-ecology
Global tectonics
Stratigraphy and paleontology
Economic geology and fuel exploration
Natural hazards
Engineering geology
Artificial intelligence, among other themes
Geosystems and Geoenvironment 每年出版四卷 (二月、五月、八月和十一月)。文章类型包括备受瞩目的综述文章(与作者简历和照片一起发表)、研究论文、信件和讨论。
Geosystems and Geoenvironment 是一本完全开放获取期刊,中国海洋大学和青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室将承担当年前100篇文章的APC(文章处理费)。此外,期刊将为已接收论文免费刊印精选彩图,并且提供免费重印和免费期刊副本。
发表在Geosystems and Geoenvironment 的所有文章均可在爱思唯尔的ScienceDirect平台免费开放获取。
(Geosystems and Geoenvironment)作者指南
Guide for Authors
Aims and scope
Geosystems and Geoenvironment is a quarterly international interdisciplinary journal in English that publishes high quality original research articles and timely reviews in interdisciplinary fields of Earth and Environment Sciences. Geosystems and Geoenvironment provides an integrated platform to publish breakthrough data and findings, as well as innovative concepts and models, related to the emergence and all related aspects of surface or deep Earth Systems and their planetary equivalents including:
geological and geodynamic processes
climate dynamics and deep-time paleoclimate
modern and paleo-environment
ocean dynamics and paleo-oceanological processes
ecology including paleo-ecology
global tectonics
stratigraphy and paleontology
economic geology and fuel exploration
natural hazards
engineering geology
artificial intelligence, among other themes.
Geosystems and Geoenvironment publishes four volumes every year [February, May, August, and November]. The article categories include high profile Review papers published together with author vitae and photographs, Research Papers, Letters, and Discussions.
Geosystems and Geoenvironment is a fully open access journal, and the sponsors of the journal will cover the article processing charges for the first 100 articles of the current year/volume. Additionally, selected colour figures of accepted papers will be printed free of cost in colour in the Journal, and the Journal provides gratis reprints and a complimentary journal copy.
All articles in Geosystems and Geoenvironment will be free open access through Elsevier's ScienceDirect platform.
Contact details for submission
All correspondence relating to manuscript submission and other queries should be addressed to the Editorial Office of Geosystems and Geoenviromnent at: gg-office@ouc.edu.cn
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Our online submission system guides you stepwise through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files. The system converts your article files to a single PDF file used in the peer-review process. Editable files (e.g., Word, LaTeX) are required to typeset your article for final publication. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is sent by e-mail.
Our online submission system guides you stepwise through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files. The system converts your article files to a single PDF file used in the peer-review process. Editable files (e.g., Word, LaTeX) are required to typeset your article for final publication. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is sent by e-mail. Submit your article Please submit your article via http://ees.elsevier.com/geogeo/default.asp.
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