




出版周期:季刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2077-7000;EISSN 2077-7019







General policy

Mycosphere publishes reviews, research articles, methodology papers, taxonomic works such as monographs, and checklists which relevants to fungal biology, including lichens. The official journal language is English.

Mycosphere essays

Mycosphere will publish a series of essays. These essays will generally be 4-10 pages, dealing with new ideas, and current and controversial topics. They are expected to deal with topics that are not normally dealt with in traditional mycology journals and where possible should present more than one side of an argument.

Essays should be submitted by the normal process and will be peer reviewed. Longer review papers are also welcome.

Manuscript preparation – General requirements

A proper and quick processing of your manuscript requires a clean manuscript regarding both its scientific content and its formatting. Detailed information on the layout/template can be found in 'Template-Mycosphere-2017' or download the most recently published papers.

The template can be downloaded here

Generally, the main text in the manuscript, including legends to illustrations, should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced throughout. Latin names of genera and species must be italicised. Hyphena-tion must be avoided throughout (switch off automatic hyphenation).

No special formatting options should be used. All pages should be numbered in the bottom right corner of each page. After the acceptance of a paper with new scientific names, authors must register the names in repositories as required by the code for each new name or combination and Faces of Fungi numbers (for each taxa, see http://www.facesoffungi.org/).

Phylogenetic trees: Authors are required to deposit phylogenetic trees and DNA sequence alignments in TreeBASE (http://treebase.org). The Reviewer Access URL must be cited in their manuscript AND the alignment file (in FASTA format) supplied at the time of submission. After the paper has been accepted the Reviewer Access URL should be replaced with the Study ID number.

Submission of manuscripts

Please submit your manuscript electronically as e-mail attachments to below email address.


Mycosphere will accept only manuscripts that fit the regulations of the journal. Manuscripts, which are not prepared according to our template, will be sent back for reformatting. See 'Template-Mycosphere-2013'.

Electronic submission guidelines

First submission

The following files are required:

A word file of properly structured/formatted manuscript containing the full text including tables and figures/plates,

A PDF file of properly structured/formatted manuscript containing the full text including tables and figures/plates for review purposes.

Please send the names, affiliations and emails of three potential referees.

Important: The plates and tables should be placed in the text at the appropriate point where you would like to see them published

Submission of revised manuscripts

Accepted papers must be revised and submitted by carefully following the formatting instructions and submitted as a revised final version ready for publication with high quality figures and tables. If the manuscript has not been structured/formatted in the journal style it will be sent back for further formatting.

Figures in the revised version should be sent separately as JPEG files. Electronic figures must be captured at or above 300 dpi resolution. Single photographs that need mounting together are not acceptable.

Page charges

No charge is generally made by Mycosphere for processing or Open Access (OPA) publication. However, if your grant has funds for publication costs, the Mushroom Research Foundation can bill you for OPA. Please contact the journal manager. Any funds will be used to fund research in mycology.




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