创新·地质科学(英文)(The Innovation Geoscience)(国际期刊)(OA期刊)(可网站投稿)

《创新·地质科学(英文)》(The Innovation Geoscience)(季刊),杂志于2023年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,是The Innovation的地球科学姊妹刊,通过开放获取(Open Access)的方式面向全球发表创新、严谨和前沿的重要地球科学研究进展。The Innovation Geoscience由西安交通大学程海教授(奥地利科学院院士)和University of Innsbruck的Christoph Spötl教授(奥地利科学院院士)共同担任主编。


创新·地质科学(英文)(The Innovation Geoscience)(国际刊号)(OA期刊)


出版周期:季刊 级别:国际刊号
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2959-8753


Information for Authors作者指南


Information for Authors

The Innovation Geoscience is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to promote the advancement of geoscience research by publishing cutting-edge articles, reviews, and editorials across a wide range of topics. Our focus is on research that advances the understanding of the Earth's structure, processes, and resources, as well as their interactions with human society. We welcome submissions from a diverse range of geoscience disciplines, including but not limited to geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, planetary sciences, and Environmental sciences. Our editorial team is comprised of experts in these fields, who ensure that all submissions undergo rigorous peer review to ensure the highest quality and impact.

Aims & Scope: The Innovation Geoscience is committed to serving the geoscience community and the public by publishing significant advances in a timely and transparent manner. We aim to provide an exchange platform that facilitates collaboration and communication among geoscientists from around the world.

Unique Features:

1. Open access and fair peer review (block list of unfair peers)

2. Short processing time from submission to first decision (regular <3 weeks, fast track <1 week)

3. Award given to reviewers (irrespective of paper decision) and Lead Contact (upon acceptance) in order to clearly demonstrate our support of scientific standards

4. Involvement by the Central Academy of Fine Arts in the quality of figures and charts

5. Use of social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/WeChat) to promote papers

6. For APC information, please see our rights, sharing, and embargoes page.




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