药理研究:现代中医(英文)(Pharmacological Reseach-Modern Chinese Medicine)(OA学术期刊)(国际期刊)(2023年12月31日前不收版面费审稿费)(可网站投稿)

《药理研究:现代中医(英文)》(Pharmacological Reseach-Modern Chinese Medicine)(季刊),杂志于2021年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,由中国药理学会和爱思唯尔合作创办。期刊主要刊登实验药理学相关的机制研究、安全性研究,药理学活性物质及中药复方的临床疗效研究、安全性研究等相关领域文章,鼓励将现代科学方法应用于中药复方的研究之中。同时欢迎活性物质作用机制研究等相关领域文章投稿。


药理研究:现代中医(英文)(Pharmacological Reseach-Modern Chinese Medicine)(OA学术期刊)(国际刊号)(2023年12月31日前不收版面费审稿费)


出版周期:季刊 级别:国际刊号





(Pharmacological Reseach-Modern Chinese Medicine)


2019年初,在IUPHAR前主席S J Enna教授的积极推荐下,国际知名科技出版集团Elsevier(爱思唯尔)药学出版人Anne Marie Pordon女士开始与我会沟通,计划创办一份以中药药理学为主要内容的新期刊。与本领域已有期刊相比,本刊最大的特点是可以接受中药复方药理学研究的文章,而不局限于分离纯化获得的活性成分/单体的药理学研究。


2021年5月,经双方协商一致,中国药理学会与Elsevier达成一致,正式签署合作办刊协议。期刊正式名称为Pharmacological Research: Modern Chinese Medicine,采取双主编负责制,由我会和Elsevier各推荐一位,经推荐和协商,我会党委书记杜冠华教授和意大利米兰大学Emilio Clementi教授担任共同主编,我会段大跃教授、高秀梅教授、周文霞教授担任副主编,另有62名专家担任编委。本刊为开放获取期刊(Open Access, OA),在2023年前投稿免收稿件处理费。6月17日,Elsevier正式通过官网发布消息,期刊自即日起接受投稿。本刊主要刊登实验药理学相关的机制研究、安全性研究,药理学活性物质及中药复方的临床疗效研究、安全性研究等相关领域文章,鼓励将现代科学方法应用于中药复方的研究中。同时欢迎活性物质作用机制研究等相关领域文章投稿。



(Pharmacological Reseach-Modern Chinese Medicine)


爱思唯尔Elsevier 2021-06-17

爱思唯尔和中国药理学会合作创办的开放获取期刊Pharmacological Research – Modern Chinese Medicine正式发布,现已接收作者投稿!

Pharmacological Research – Modern Chinese Medicine期刊主要刊登实验药理学相关的机制研究、安全性研究,药理学活性物质及中药复方的临床疗效研究、安全性研究等相关领域文章,鼓励将现代科学方法应用于中药复方的研究之中。同时欢迎活性物质作用机制研究等相关领域文章投稿。



Emilio Clementi博士自2005年起任意大利米兰大学药理学教授兼国家卫生系统临床药理学组主任,1988年在米兰大学(University of Milano)获得医学博士学位,并于1994年在布雷西亚大学(University of Brescia)获得了实验药物治疗博士学位。目前是欧洲临床药理学和治疗学协会(EACPT)执行委员会成员,他还是国际基础和临床药理学联盟(IUPHAR)执行委员会成员。重点研究一氧化氮的病理生理学及其在治疗方面的相关性,并且研究了其在杜兴氏肌肉营养不良症临床研究中的作用。除本刊外,Emilio Clementi还担任爱思唯尔期刊Pharmacological Research主编,发表论文400余篇(H指数53)。



近10年来,杜教授发表药理学研究论文600余篇,出版学术专著30余部,申请专利90余项,完成4种新药的临床前研究。他还担任Pharmacology & Therapeutics等十多本科学期刊的副主编。


(Pharmacological Reseach-Modern Chinese Medicine)


Guide for Authors

We welcome articles on classic TCM reporting on clinical efficacy and safety of whole preparations or single pharmacologically active substances, done with modern approaches but linked to the traditional approach of Chinese medicine. Studies reporting also on the mechanisms of actions of the active substance(s) investigated are encouraged. Only acceptable are reports on standardised preparations. The diseases investigated have to be classified according to the WHO International Classification of Diseases version 11. The Journal will not consider articles utilising material from endangered specie as categorised by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Types of article

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Submission checklist

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• Include keywords

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• Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print

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Further considerations

• Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'

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Author checklist for Original Articles

The concern about the reproducibility of published results is growing in the scientific community. Pharmacological Research ?Modern Chinese medicine has thus implemented an author checklist in order to help the authors to increase the overall quality of the articles they publish with us and ensure better transparency and reproducibility of their results. The author checklist can be downloaded at https://www.elsevier.com/–data/promis-misc/Author checklist.docx To have a detailed explanation of the reasons and the rationale behind each item please go to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26523875. A positive response to items 1-6 is mandatory for the further processing of the research manuscript. A negative response to the remaining items will not per se preclude the processing of the manuscript. The relevance of each item will depend on its relative relevance in the context of the manuscript, an aspect that will be evaluated by the Editor and the Reviewers, alongside the manuscript itself, to reach a fair decision. In the checklist there is also a free text area in which we ask for suggestions and advice from the authors. Pharmacological Research is not a top-down journal and we are building a community of scientists that helps enhancing the quality of the Journal; hence we will appreciate comments and feedbacks from the authors on how to improve the checklist in the next months. The checklist will not be requested for reviews.

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Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract, a published lecture or academic thesis, see 'Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication' for more information), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright-holder. To verify originality, your article may be checked by the originality detection service Crossref Similarity Check.


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