循证医学杂志(英文)(Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine)(国际期刊)(可网站投稿)

《循证医学杂志(英文)》(Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine)(季刊),杂志于2008年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,由四川大学华西医院和Wiley出版集团合办的英文学术期刊。目标是办成具有重要国际影响力的综合性医学期刊。JEBM由四川大学李幼平教授和英国贝尔法斯特女王大学Mike Clarke教授担任联合主编,编辑部设在四川大学华西医院期刊社循证医学杂志编辑部。JEBM发文范围涵盖临床医学、公共卫生与预防医学等领域。发文类型包括论著、综述、述评、评论、指南、方法学等。


循证医学杂志(英文)(Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine)(国际刊号)


出版周期:季刊 级别:核心期刊


















(Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine)


JEBM是由四川大学华西医院和Wiley出版集团合办的英文学术期刊,创刊于2008年,目标是办成具有重要国际影响力的综合性医学期刊(https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal /17565391)。JEBM由四川大学李幼平教授和英国贝尔法斯特女王大学Mike Clarke教授担任联合主编,编辑部设在四川大学华西医院期刊社循证医学杂志编辑部。


值此被SCI收录之际,李幼平教授和Mike Clarke教授携编委会、编辑部团队感谢各级领导、读者、作者和朋友的关心和帮助。我们将继续秉承高质量的办刊原则,为广大科研工作者提供更优秀的学术研究成果和更专业的出版服务,欢迎大家踊跃投稿!




(Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine)


Author Guidelines

Click here for a downloadable PDF version of the JEBM Author Guidelines.


Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine (JEBM) is the official English language journal of the Chinese Cochrane Centre. The journal aims to present the newest research results and promote the international understanding and development of evidence-based decision-making, research, practice, and education. Papers in any of the following fields will be considered: editorial, commentary, systematic review, clinical trial and register, methodology, policy-making and management, drug safety, education, patient safety, and knowledge translation. The journal encourages submissions from interdisciplinary studies.


The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed by two anonymous reviewers and the Editors. Final acceptance or rejection rests with the Editors, who reserve the right to refuse any material for publication.

Wiley's policy on confidentiality of the review process is available here.

Manuscripts are assigned sequentially to Associate Editors. An Associate Editor solicits reviewers (typically, two external reviews are sought). The reviewers’ evaluations and Associate Editor’s comments are compiled by the Editor-in-Chief for disposition and transmittal to the authors.

The Editor-in-Chief will advise authors whether a manuscript is accepted, should be revised or is rejected. Minor revisions are expected to be returned within four weeks of decision; major revisions within three months. Manuscripts not revised within these time periods are subject to withdrawal from consideration for publication unless the authors can provide extenuating circumstances.

A number of manuscripts will have to be rejected on the grounds of priority and available space. A manuscript may be returned to the authors without outside review if the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor find it inappropriate for publication in the Journal. Similarly, the Editors may expedite the review process for manuscripts felt to be of high priority in order to reach a rapid decision. Such ‘fast-track decisions’ will normally occur within one week of receipt of the manuscript.

The Editor-in-Chief’s decision is final. If, however, authors dispute a decision and can document good reasons why a manuscript should be reconsidered, a rebuttal process exists. In the first place, authors should write to the Editor-in-Chief.

If manuscripts are submitted by an Editor, they will be assigned to and processed by other Editors to avoid conflicts of interest.

Manuscripts should be written so that they are intelligible to the professional reader who is not a specialist in the particular field. They should be written in a clear, concise, direct style. Where contributions are judged as acceptable for publication on the basis of scientific content, the Editors and the Publisher reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition and improve communication between author and reader.

JEBM employs a plagiarism detection system. By submitting your manuscript to this journal, you accept that your manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works.


All articles submitted to the journal must comply with these instructions. Failure to do so will result in return of the manuscript and possible delay in publication.

To submit your article, please log on to JEBM's online submission and peer-review system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/journalebm.

Covering letter

Papers are accepted for publication in the journal on the understanding that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium. This must be stated in the covering letter.

The covering letter must also contain an acknowledgement that all authors have contributed significantly, and that all authors are in agreement with the content of the manuscript. In keeping with the latest guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, each author’s contribution to the paper is to be quantified.

Authors must declare any financial support or relationships that may pose conflict of interest by disclosing at the time of submission any financial arrangements they have with a company whose product figures prominently in the submitted manuscript or with a company making a competing product. Such information will be held in confidence while the paper is under review and will not influence the editorial decision but, if the article is accepted for publication, the Editor will usually discuss with the authors the manner in which such information is to be communicated to the reader.

If tables or figures have been reproduced from another source, a letter from the copyright holder (usually the Publisher), stating authorization to reproduce the material, must be attached to the covering letter.

Wiley’s Author Name Change Policy

In cases where authors wish to change their name following publication, Wiley will update and republish the paper and redeliver the updated metadata to indexing services. Our editorial and production teams will use discretion in recognizing that name changes may be of a sensitive and private nature for various reasons including (but not limited to) alignment with gender identity, or as a result of marriage, divorce, or religious conversion. Accordingly, to protect the author’s privacy, we will not publish a correction notice to the paper, and we will not notify co-authors of the change. Authors should contact the journal’s Editorial Office with their name change request.

Correction to authorship

In accordance with Wiley’s Best Practice Guidelines on Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics and the Committee on Publication Ethics’ guidance, Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine will allow authors to correct authorship on a submitted, accepted, or published article if a valid reason exists to do so. All authors – including those to be added or removed – must agree to any proposed change. To request a change to the author list, please complete the Request for Changes to a Journal Article Author List Form and contact either the journal’s editorial or production office, depending on the status of the article. Authorship changes will not be considered without a fully completed Author Change form. [Correcting the authorship is different from changing an author’s name; the relevant policy for that can be found in Wiley’s Best Practice Guidelines under “Author name changes after publication.”]


Authors must state that the protocol for the research project has been approved by a suitably constituted Ethics Committee of the institution within which the work was undertaken and that it conforms to the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in Brazil in 2013), available at http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/17c.pdf .

JEBM retains the right to reject any manuscript on the basis of unethical conduct of either human or animal studies.

All investigations on human subjects must include a statement that the subject gave informed consent. Patient anonymity should be preserved. Photographs need to be cropped sufficiently to prevent human subjects being recognized (or an eye bar should be used). All clinical trials must be registered in the authorized registers of WHO International Clinical Trial Register Platform, and the registration number must be presented.

This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Accepted papers will be passed to Wiley’s production team for publication. The author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will receive an email prompting them to login into Wiley’s Author Services, where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be asked to complete an electronic license agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper.

FAQs about the terms and conditions of the standard copyright transfer agreements (CTA) in place for the journal, including terms regarding archiving of the accepted version of the paper, are available at: CTA Terms and Conditions FAQs




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