全健康科学(英文)(Science in One Health)(国际期刊)(2024年底前免收出版费)(可网站投稿)

《全健康科学(英文)》(Science in One Health)(一年1卷),由上海交通大学-爱丁堡大学全健康研究中心创办,得到上海交通大学、上海交通大学医学院、中华预防医学会、爱思唯尔、瑞士艺术与科学院等多方的大力支持与合作,并作为中华预防会的会刊进行建设。Science in One Health期刊追求全健康的科学化以及可操作化,致力在人兽共患病控制、粮食安全、气候变化和抗菌药物耐药、跨国性全球卫生威胁、卫生技术援助和发展等全健康关键研究领域上为全球学者们提供开放的学术交流平台。


全健康科学(英文)(Science in One Health)(国际刊号)(2024年底前免收出版费)


出版周期:年刊 级别:国际刊号
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2949-7043




Science in One Health创刊、投稿须知



Science in One Health 期刊由上海交通大学-爱丁堡大学全健康研究中心创办,得到上海交通大学、上海交通大学医学院、中华预防医学会、爱思唯尔、瑞士艺术与科学院等多方的大力支持与合作,并作为中华预防会的会刊进行建设。一方面,Science in One Health通过打造一流期刊服务学科建设、依靠学科建设赋能期刊高品质发展,实现学术期刊和学科的共生共荣、协同并进;另一方面,期刊践行“One Health, One World”的主旨,助力全健康理念改进和决策实践,助力SDG目标的实现。

随着全球化发展,非传统安全问题日益成为国际关注的焦点,跨国性传染病、人口膨胀、地区发展失衡等问题带来的全球性挑战持续不断,人类的生存和可持续发展面临着严峻挑战。作为多学科、多领域的交叉与融合,全健康已经成为国际社会当前大力倡导的应对全球公共卫生问题的新型思维范式。围绕全健康的核心理念,Science in One Health期刊追求全健康的科学化以及可操作化,致力在人兽共患病控制、粮食安全、气候变化和抗菌药物耐药、跨国性全球卫生威胁、卫生技术援助和发展等全健康关键研究领域上为全球学者们提供开放的学术交流平台。


若您想向Science in One Health期刊投稿,请点击下方期刊官网或者投稿链接。我们的专家团队将在整个出版过程中为您提供协助,并不遗余力地确保您的研究成果最终发表成为一篇有影响力的高水平文章。







Guide for Authors作者指南


Guide for Authors

Aims and scope

This journal, Science in One Health, provides a platform that disseminates knowledge, real-world research findings and lessons learnt from programmes on health for the human-animal-environmental interface at the local, regional and global levels, in order to reduce the inequity of health issues in the world and promote more advanced researches on One Health. Such a mission is supported by sharing of consistent ideas on emerging topics of interactions between human health, animal health and environmental health, based on the principle of "One World, One Health".

This journal focuses on the One Health issues, including governance capacity, zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food safety and food security, vector-borne diseases, environmental contamination, global climate changes, and other health threats shared by people, animals, plants, and the environment. In addition, this journal discusses global health issues, especially, worldwide health improvement including mental health, reduction of disparities, technical assistance & development, global health security & policy, and protection against global threats that disregard national borders.

Your Paper Your Way

Science in One Health (SOH) is the official journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. One Health is an integrated and unifying approach that focuses on the ecological relationships between human, animal, and environmental health. SOH aims to provide a platform that disseminate knowledge, real-world research findings and lessons learnt from programmes on health for the human-animal-environmental interface at the local, regional and global levels, in order to reduce the inequity of health issues in the world by promoting more advanced research on One Health. Such a mission is supported by sharing of consistent ideas on emerging topics of interactions between human health, animal health and environmental health, based on the principle of "One World, One Health".

We now differentiate between the requirements for new and revised submissions. You may choose to submit your manuscript as a single Word or PDF file to be used in the refereeing process. Only when your paper is at the revision stage, will you be requested to put your paper in to a 'correct format' for acceptance and provide the items required for the publication of your article. To find out more, please visit the Preparation section below.

Manuscripts that cover subjects well studied in the literature that do not make an obviously fresh point or those which primarily confirm previous findings but in a different geographical area, are likely to be rejected unless there are novel clinical implications or they cover a hot new topic (e.g.: a new virus).

If you are unsure as to the suitability of your article for publication in the SOH, please send the Editors in-Chief a copy of your Abstract by E-mail, to soh@elsevier.com. They will then advise you on whether or not your work would be appropriate for publication.

Article Types

Articles of the following types are accepted by the Editors: Full length articles (3000 word limit), Research Articles (3000 word limit), Invited reviews (4000 word limit), Letters (1500 word limit), Editorials (1500 word limit), Prospective (1500 word limit), Policy brief (1500 word limit). Structured abstracts of up to 300 words are required for full length articles, research articles and invited reviews, and unstructured abstracts of up to 150 words are required for letters and editorials. Please note that word limits exclude the abstract, references, acknowledgements, figure captions and tables.



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