出版周期:季刊 级别:国际刊号
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2950-5232
微信公众号:Precision Medication 服务平台
投稿指南Guide for Authors
Types of paper
Precision Medication will accept the following types of articles: Original Research, Systematic Review, Commentary, Review and Case Report.
Submission checklist
You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details:
Manuscripts should be submitted in English.
The title should not exceed 30 English words.
In the author information section, all authors' names, academic degrees, titles, institutions, departments, and email addresses should be clearly reported. The corresponding authors should be clearly indicated and their full postal address should be provided.
Use a five-part abstract, including: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The total word count of the abstract should not exceed 300 English words.
After the abstract, list five or more keywords that reflect the key information of the study such as the theme, research question, context, methods, etc. The first keyword should ideally reflect the main issue of the research, the second should reflect the category of the study.
We recommend the main text does not exceed 3000-5000 English words, divided into five sections: Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. Other content related to the research but not core information should be submitted in the form of supplementary material.
In the related information section after the main text, the following eight items need to be specified: (1) Ethical Approval; (2) Author Contributions; (3) Consent to Publish; (4) Availability of Data and Materials; (5) Conflict of Interest; (6) Funding and Grant Information; (7) Acknowledgments; (8) Other Information of Authors, such as ORCID. If this section is not applicable to certain papers, please write 'Not Applicable.'
There is no limit on the number of references, but all references should be closely related to the relevant contents of the article. We recommend that authors use GB/T 7714 reference style in Chinese manuscript. When producing its English manuscript, the editor will convert it to Vancouver reference style.
Figures (include relevant captions) and tables (including titles, description, footnotes) can be placed in the corresponding sections of the main text, or appended at the end of the manuscript. The corresponding caption should be placed directly below the figure or table.
Define abbreviations that are unavoidable in this field must be defined at their first mention, ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.
Footnotes should not be included in the main text and will be removed.
Ensure Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet).