地下水科学与工程(英文)(Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering)(国际期刊)(可网站投稿)

《地下水科学与工程(英文)》(Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering)(季刊),杂志于2013年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,是由中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所主办、中国地质学会水文地质专业委员会、国际水文地质学家联合会中国委员会合办的英文期刊。其登载的内容涉及水文地质、环境地质、地下水资源、农业与地下水、地下水资源与生态、地下水与地质环境、地下水循环、地下水污染、地下水开发利用、水文地质标准方法、地下水信息科学、气候变化与地下水等学科。


地下水科学与工程(英文)(Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering)(国际刊号)


出版周期:季刊 级别:国际刊号
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2305-7068





(Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering)



“Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering”(地下水科学与工程)是中国地质科 学院水文地质环境地质研究所主办的自然科学综合性学术刊物。于 2013 年 4 月创刊,英 文季刊。欢迎涉足水文地质、环境地质、地下水资源、农业与地下水、地下水资源与生态、 地下水与地质环境、地下水循环、地下水污染、地下水开发利用、水文地质标准方法、地 下水信息科学、气候变化与地下水等学科领域的各位专家和学者,踊跃投稿。

1. 文稿撰写

(1)内容 学术论文要求报道创新、系统、完整的研究工作,文章应论点明确、数 据可靠、条理清晰、文字精炼,观测、实验、统计数据应包括近期/年的。专题评述要求综 述某一重要研究领域的代表性成果,评论研究现状,提出今后研究方向的建议,作者应当 在该领域从事过系统研究工作,或者所做工作与该领域的研究紧密相关。

(2)题目 简明扼要,紧扣主题,要有足够的信息,能引起读者的兴趣,便于检索。 一般不用符号、公式和缩略语。题目中不建议过多使用定冠词,尤其首字母不使用定冠词。

(3)作者及单位 署名的每一位作者都应该是对论文工作有实质贡献的人员,应对 文中的论点和数据负责。作者姓名的书写方式为姓大写、名首字母大写(如,SUN Hong-Lie; Adrian R WILLIAMS), 复姓之间用连字符。署名单位必须写全称,同时提供单位所在城市 名和邮政编码。如果作者分属不同单位,使用上角数字标示作者所属单位序号,并提供通 讯作者的 E-mail。

(4)摘要 以提供文章内容的梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记 述文章重要内容,阐明研究的目的、方法、结果和结论,能够脱离全文阅读而不影响理解。 避免使用特殊符号和公式, 摘要中不能出现参考文献。应执行 GB/T 6447-87《文摘编写规 则》。

(5)关键词 3 ~8 个,用于对研究内容的检索。因此,关键词应紧扣文章主题,应 尽可能使用规范的主题词。

(6)引言 介绍研究背景、意义, 本文拟解决的问题、采用的方法和手段。需列举相 关的参考文献,尤其是近 2~3 年内的研究成果。

(7)研究区/材料和方法 说明研究区概况或实验布置、所用的材料、方法和研究的 基本过程。引用相关文献,使读者了解研究的可靠性,也使同行能重复或验证有关实验。

(8)结果与讨论 叙述观测或实验的发现(结果),并注意与其他相关的研究结果 进行比较,讨论结果的意义,切忌简单地罗列实验结果。

(9)结论 讨论得出的结论。观点明确,实事求是。

(10)基金资助和致谢 列出资助基金来源,并注明项目批准号。对发表论文有所帮助的人士表示谢意。

(11)参考文献 凡论及他人工作和观点`时均要引出文献,未公开发表的文献资料 一般不引用。参考文献 25-35 条为宜,以近 5-7 年文章为主,包括 10%及以上的国外文献, 如果年代较早的文献,必须是引用率很高的文献。在正文引用处只须写出作者姓氏,如一 位作者(Smith, 1998),两位作者(Smith and Miller, 1999),三位或以上作者(Smith et al., 2006);所有文献按照第一作者首字母顺序排序。引用同一作者在同一年出版的多篇文献 时,在出版年后分别用小写正体 a, b, c…区别。在文后的参考文献著录中,每篇文献的前 3 名作者全部列出,3 位作者以上加 et al.;其他执行 GB/T 7714-2005《文后参考文献著录 规则》。

2. 格式要求

(1)投稿为以 Word 排版、以.doc 格式存档的纯英文电子文件。

(2)图、表或照片应按正文中出现的先后顺序编号,并置于文中相应位置。凡涉及 国界线的图件,请按地图出版社最新标准底图绘制,中国全图要有台湾岛、南海诸岛、钓 鱼岛。图中内容清晰,图中文字建议使用小五号字。图和照片的分辨率必须在 600-900 dpi 之间,标题在插图下居中。所有图必需提供源文件(做好图后直接点击“保存”的图件即 为原文件,图中所有元素(包括线条、文字等)均可编辑等),柱状图、曲线图应同时上 传 Excel 等软件做图的原文件。表格为一般为三线表,表格反映内容要简明扼要。


(4)计量单位请使用中华人民共和国法定计量单位(或国际单位制 SI),并用标准 符号表示,如“m”、 “m2”、 “t”等(参见 GB3100~3102)。各种专业术语的使用按中国国 家标准执行,同一名词术语、计量单位、人名、地名等要求全文统一。


3. 投稿

(1)本刊已推出稿件远程处理系统(网址:http://gwse.iheg.org.cn),请通过该系统 进行在线投稿、查稿,投稿指南、论文模板、版权转让协议等详见 http://gwse.iheg.org.cn。 投稿时请认真填写联系信息,尽量详细,以方便编辑部与您联系。

(2)投稿人直接以英文稿的形式投稿。作者如系中国大陆人士,稿件如有中文版, 请附相应的中文稿,以便加快审稿和编辑速度。

(3)作者在投稿时,要求必须签署并上传“版权转让协议(Copyright Transfer Statement)”,该协议可在我刊网站主页下载。

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4. 稿件审理及发表

(1)稿件首先由编辑初选,审查稿件研究领域及研究区域是否适合在本刊发表,格 式是否符合本刊基本要求。不合格稿件将在 15 个工作日之内通知作者。编委和同行专家 对其学术水平和英文写作水平进行综合评审,一般在 1-2 个月内编辑部会将审稿意见反馈 给作者。在 2 个月内,不得将稿件投往他处。

(2)对于拟发表的稿件,作者应根据审稿专家和编辑部的意见对稿件进行修改,并 在指定时间内返回修改稿,同时书面回答审稿意见中提出的问题。修改后的稿件由本刊编 委会终审后决定是否录用,并将最终结果通知第一作者或通讯联系人。如有特殊情况需要 加快发表,请在接到正式录用通知后与编辑部联系。

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5. 重要声明

(1)杜绝一稿多投,一经证实,对该作者作为第一作者所撰写的一切文稿,2 年内将 拒绝在本刊上发表。

(2)为严肃学术风气,端正科研态度,坚决反对抄袭作品投往本刊,一旦发现,该 作者将被本刊列入黑名单。

(3) 本刊坚决反对冒用他人基金项目或与所列基金项目无关联之论文投往本刊;一 旦发现,坚决弃用。


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传 真:0311-67598661 (注:Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 编辑 部收)


网 址:http://gwse.iheg.org.cn

Guide for Authors

Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering mainly reports the latest and most important achievements in cutting-edge and emerging topics, as well as the traditional topics referring to new methodology, technology, applications and theoretical research in groundwater science and engineering, including review papers, research papers and reports etc. Papers published involve various aspects of research concerning groundwater, such as geochemistry, geophysics, geomorphology, geobiology, urban geology, geothermy, groundwater development and utilization, groundwater resources-environment-sustainability, numerical modeling, groundwater pollution, emerging contaminants, soil science, and also involve groundwater environment evolution influenced by climate change and human activities, relate with innovative instrumentation, remote sensing, data and information sciences etc.

The Editorial Office has opened online submission system, http://gwse.iheg.org.cn. To submit a manuscript, the author(s) should register a profile first and make submissions in Word (.doc or .docx) format, using our online submission system. If manuscript accepted, a signed “Copyright Transfer Statement” should be scanned and uploaded to the online system, and this statement can be downloaded from the website (http://gwse.iheg.org.cn). Further requirements are listed in this guide.

Manuscript types

Contents: Research articles should refer to the latest research results from the world, so that the manuscripts reach an international and advanced level and report original, innovative and complete sets of results. Review articles should summarize the progress in core scientific disciplines, comment on the status of the research, and make suggestions for future studies. The author(s) must be familiar with the topic and have several years of relevant research experience.

Title: Concise and informative titles are often used in information-retrieval systems. Leave out articles (a, an, the), especially at the beginning of title. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid abbreviations and formulae, when possible.

Author(s) names and affiliation(s): Please include the full, detailed name for all author(s) responsible for the article’s information and data. Write the family (last) name using capitals (e.g., SUN Hong-Lie, Adrian R Willams). Where the family (last) name may be ambiguous (e.g., a double name), please connect them with a hyphen. Indicate all affiliations with a superscript immediately after the author’s name(s), below the name(s) of the author(s), list the address(es) of each author’s affiliation (where the actual work was done). Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name. Using an asterisk indicates and provides an email address for the corresponding author who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages of publication and post-publication. The e-mail address(es) must be provided for contacting.

Abstract: Abstracts should briefly state the purpose and method(s) of the research, principal results and major conclusions. The abstract should be no longer than 250 words. It should be informative, without descriptive words or citations, and contain the major conclusions and quantitative results or other significant items in the paper. Together with the title, the abstract must be adequate as an index to all the subjects treated in the paper, and will be used as a base for indexing.

Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide 3 to 8 keywords, closely related to the subject of the article. Avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (e.g., ‘and’, ‘of’). Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible.

Introduction: Provide an adequate background. State the significance, objective and method of the research, citing necessary references, especially references of work published in the last two to three years.

Study area /materials and methods: Introduce a general idea of the study area or experimental setting, the materials and methods used and the basic progress of the study. Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced or substantiated. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference.

Results and discussion: Relating the findings and results of the observation(s) and experiment(s). Explore the significance of the results, but do not repeat them in the text.

Conclusions: Presenting main conclusions of the study that may stand alone or creating a discussion subsection.

Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements should include, if applicable, information on grants received, funding organizations and/or recognition of people who assisted in the research or article.

References: Please cite a reference to acknowledge sources of information from others’ research and results. Ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. The reference shall not be less than 30. Citation guidelines are as follows: As (Smith, 1998) for single author, as (Smith and Miller, 1999) for two authors, and as (Smith et al., 2006) for three or more authors. Groups of references should be listed first chronologically, then alphabetically. In the reference list, references should be arranged first alphabetically, then chronologically, if necessary. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., placed after the year of publication. Journal names should not be abbreviated.

Article format

Please write your text in proper English and save in Word (.doc or .docx) format.

Figures, tables and photographs must be numbered consecutively. Their position in the paper should match the indication in the text. A figure showing national boundaries should be drawn based on the latest standard base-map of Map Press. An entire map of China should include Taiwan Island, South China Sea Islands and Diaoyudao Island. The original maps/figures shall be in formats of .XLS for EXCEL, .OPJ for Origin, .PSD for Photoshop, .JNB for Sigmaplot, .AI/.EPS for ArcGis etc. [Note: Please provide the original graphs of all your figures so that they can be edited in word size, font, curve shape, legend, etc.].

The figures and photographs should be provided in high-resolution files with 600-900 dpi. Tables should be concise and exact, using three sections, demarcated by lines. Notations in the figures should be distinct and consistent with the same ones in the text, and their font size will be 7-9 pt. Please provide the original graphs of all your figures which can be edited in word size, font, curve shape, legend, etc.

Formulas should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered consecutively in round brackets on the right-hand side of the page.

Formulas should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, placed in parentheses to the right of the formula. The formulas’ format should be kept consistency in the whole article. Variable symbols and footnotes which represent variable symbols should be expressed in italics, while the mathematical symbols (e.g., sin, exp, ln, lg) and the abbreviation of English words (e.g., max, min) should not be expressed in italics.

Please download the Template from the website (http://gwse.iheg.org.cn) to see detailed article format.


Manuscript submissions will only be accepted through the online submission system (http: //gwse.iheg.org.cn). To submit a manuscript, author(s) should register a profile first at the online submission system, and author(s) should write down more detailed information carefully when register the profile, so that we can contact with you. Editors require valid contact information for the corresponding author, including email address, postal address, and phone number. The Guide for Authors, Copyright Transfer Statement and Template are shown on gwse.iheg.org.cn.

Authors must submit their manuscripts in English. For Chinese authors, it’s better to send the manuscripts in both English and Chinese, in order to ensure an accurate and accelerate peer and editorial review.

Authors are encouraged to suggest the names and full contact details of two or three potential reviewers on the understanding that the Editorial Board has the final decision on the selection of reviewers.

The manuscript file should have 1.15 spacing, page and line numbering. This is essential during the refereeing process.

Contact information


Editorial Department of Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering

Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

No. 268, Zhonghua North Street, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, 050061, China

Tel: 86-311-67598660

Fax: 86-311-67598661

E-mail: gwse-iheg@188.com

Homepage: http://gwse.iheg.org.cn

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