Nanoscale Horizons(参考译名:纳米视野)(国际期刊)(可网站投稿)

Nanoscale Horizons(参考译名:纳米视野)(月刊),杂志于2016年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,由英国皇家化学会同中国国家纳米科学中心合作出版。该刊是纳米科学与技术领域的高影响力期刊,发表高质量、高创新性的研究成果。该期刊侧重于原创性研究,强调所发表的论文要提出新的概念或新的思维方式(概念上的进展),而不是以报道技术方面的进展为主。当然,在概念上未有创新但实现了突破性进展的杰出工作(例如材料性能突破已有纪录)也有被发表的机会。另外,该刊要求所发表的论文能引起纳米科学与技术各领域读者的广泛兴趣。


Nanoscale Horizons(参考译名:纳米视野)(国际刊号)


出版周期:月刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2055-6764


Nanoscale Horizons期刊介绍


Nanoscale Horizons 是英国皇家化学会Horizons系列期刊之一,是由世界知名的编委会成员引领的创新型高质量学术期刊,旨在快速发表纳米科学和纳米技术领域意义非凡的重大成果。




☐ Synthesis of nanostructured and nanoscale materials

☐ Characterisation of functional nanoscale materials and bio-assemblies

☐ Properties of nanoscale materials

☐ Self-assembly and molecular organisation

☐ Complex hybrid nanostructures

☐ Nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanocrystalline materials, and nanoclusters

☐ Nanotubes, molecular nanowires and nanocrystals

☐ Molecular nanoscience

☐ Theoretical modelling

☐ Single-molecules

☐ Plasmonics

☐ Nanoelectronics and molecular electronics

☐ Nanophotonics

☐ Nanochips, nanosensors, nanofluidics and nanofabrication

☐ Carbon-based nanoscale materials and devices

☐ Biomimetic materials

☐ Nanobiotechnology / bionanomaterials

☐ Nanomedicine

☐ Regulatory approaches and risk assessment



Nanoscale Horizons 发表的通讯是具有重大影响力的最新原创性成果。这种原创性不是指技术层面的改进,而是概念上的重大创新和独特见解;只专注于性能的新进展方面的文章不大能被接收,除非这种性能的改进对整个研究领域有举足轻重影响。

通讯要求单独提交不超过200个单词的“概念见解”陈述(“conceptual insights” statement),回应如下几个问题:

∙ 这篇文章提出了什么新观念?

∙ 这种新观念与现有观念有何不同?

∙ 该研究成果及提出的新观念对纳米科学和技术领域将有何深层次的影响?



通讯没有页数限制,但以3页为宜(期刊版面页)。我们建议作者对研究内容进行简明扼要的介绍,更多的详情可以放在补充信息supplementary information中。


Nanoscale Horizons 发表高质量的,权威性的综述,阐述纳米科学和技术领域某个最前沿的研究进展。综述通常来源于编委和编辑约稿,同时也欢迎读者直接向编辑建议文章主题和作者人选。

综述文章是对现有文献的及时梳理及解析,面向期刊所有读者群体。Nanoscale Horizons 的综述与期刊其他类型文章一样,都需经过严格和完整的同行评审流程。



Nanoscale Horizons 的小综述是纳米科学或技术界某个新兴研究领域的聚焦或总结(通常是过去两到三年的研究成果)。小综述并不致力于全面概述,而是着重突出最新最重要的进展,为新兴研究领域需要重点关注的方向提出看法。


焦点文章(Focus articles)

Nanoscale Horizons 的焦点文章是针对某些经常被误解或需要更多解释的课题的教育性文章,可以社评或综述形式呈现。


Nanoscale Horizons投稿须知【杂志社官方网站信息】

Article Types

Nanoscale Horizons publishes:




Focus articles



All original research published in the journal is in the form of Communication articles. These are exceptionally high quality and innovative reports that are of significant broad appeal to the nanoscience community at large. The research presented should provide new insight into the topic and demonstrate a new concept or a new way of thinking (a conceptual advance), rather than primarily reporting technological improvements. However, outstanding articles featuring truly breakthrough developments such as record performance of materials alone may also be published in the journal.

Nanoscale Horizons Communications must include a separate ‘new concepts’ statement. This statement should be a paragraph of no more than 200 words and should address the following questions:

What new concept has been demonstrated?

What differentiates this concept from existing research?

What additional insight does your work and the underlying concept bring to the nanoscience and nanotechnology?

This statement will be seen by editors and reviewers and will help ascertain the significance of the research. The statement should not be a summary of the work reported, as in the article abstract. If the paper is accepted, this statement will also be published. Please note that papers cannot be peer-reviewed without this statement.

Although there is no page limit for a Communication, the recommended length is three printed journal pages. Authors are encouraged to provide a succinct and relevant introduction to the research and to consider the use of the electronic supplementary information for additional material. Please see below for some examples of exemplar 'new concepts' statements.

See examples


Reviews are typically commissioned by the Nanoscale Horizons editorial board and editorial office, although suggestions from readers for topics and authors of reviews are very welcome and should be directed to the editor. Nanoscale Horizons Reviews must be very high quality, authoritative, state-of-the-art accounts of the selected research field.

Reviews should be timely and provide insights based on existing literature as well as being of general interest to the journal's wide readership. All Reviews undergo a rigorous and full peer review procedure, in the same way as regular research papers.

Authors are encouraged to identify areas in the field where further developments are imminent or of urgent need, and any areas that may be of significance to the community in general. Reviews are typically six to eight printed journal pages in length


Minireviews are highlights or summaries of research in an emerging area of nanoscience or nanotechnology (typically from the last two to three years). They are not intended to be comprehensive overviews, but rather should highlight recent and important developments and provide insights into the emerging area on which they are focused. Minireviews should set the topic in the context of the relevant literature and may include perspectives of the future development of the field

Perspectives of the future development of the field are appropriate. The recommended length of a Nanoscale Horizons Minireview is three printed journal pages.

Focus articles

Nanoscale Horizons Focus articles are educational articles that can take the form of either an editorial or review article. They are designed to address topic areas which are often misunderstood or require greater explanation.

Focus articles are invited by the Nanoscale Horizons editorial board and editorial office. Suggestions from readers for topics and authors of Focus articles are welcome and should be directed to the editor.


Comments and Replies are a medium for the discussion and exchange of scientific opinions between authors and readers concerning material published in Nanoscale Horizons.

For publication, a Comment should present an alternative analysis of and/or new insight into the previously published material. Any Reply should further the discussion presented in the original article and the Comment. Comments and Replies that contain any form of personal attack are not suitable for publication.

Comments that are acceptable for publication will be forwarded to the authors of the work being discussed, and these authors will be given the opportunity to submit a Reply. The Comment and Reply will both be subject to rigorous peer review in consultation with the journal’s Editorial Board where appropriate. The Comment and Reply will be published together.

Submission and assessment process

On submission to the journal, all manuscripts are initially assessed by a team of professional Publishing Editors who have a wide range of scientific backgrounds. They make an assessment of whether the manuscript may be suitable for the journal, based on the scope and very high significance and broad general interest criteria required for publication. Publishing Editors are supported in this decision making by our academic Scientific Editors who are members of our Editorial Board. Only manuscripts that are successful during these initial assessments will be sent for full peer review. Full details of the initial assessment process can be found with our processes and policies.

The journal follows a single-blind peer review process and articles are typically sent to at least two independent reviewers for evaluation. Professional Publishing Editors are responsible for peer review and associated editorial decisions. The team are guided by our Editorial Board who set the scientific standards and guidelines for the journal. Our Editorial Board are all leading scientists who together have expertise across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

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