无机化学前沿(英文)(Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers)(国际期刊)(可网站投稿)

《无机化学前沿(英文)》(Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers)(半月刊),杂志于2014年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,由中国化学会、北京大学化学与分子工程学院与英国皇家化学会合作出版。北京大学化学与分子工程学院的高松院士担任主编。


无机化学前沿(英文)(Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers)(国际刊号)


出版周期:半月刊 级别:核心期刊



(Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers)期刊介绍


《无机化学前沿》(Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers)— 由中国化学会、北京大学化学与分子工程学院与英国皇家化学会合作出版。北京大学化学与分子工程学院的高松院士担任主编。2014年1月,首期正式出版。


(Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers)投稿须知


Article types

Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers publishes:

Research articles


Chemistry frontiers



See more information about these article types

Research articles

All original research work published in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers will be in one 'Research article' format. Both Communications and Full papers can be published in the same format. Innovative syntheses of important inorganic/organometallic compounds with potential value to the multi-interdisciplinary research, assays, devices and concepts are also encouraged.

Lengthy introductions, excessive data or experimental details and pure conjecture should not be included in the main text. Authors are encouraged to include a brief experimental section containing key and representative experimental procedures in the main text. Additional repeated information and characterisation data should be included in the electronic supplementary information by citing the typical or general procedure in the main text.

Authors are encouraged to use the article templates from our Author templates & services page to prepare Research articles. However, the use of the template for submission is not essential.


A Review article should provide a critical and in-depth discussion of a particularly relevant or interesting topic in inorganic chemistry. It should aim to provide the reader with an authoritative, balanced and up-to-date overview, and not a comprehensive list of all possible references. Authors should also aim to identify areas in the field where further developments are needed. Reviews should not describe any unpublished results.

Chemistry frontiers

Chemistry frontiers publish comments, notes, or conjecture looking forward at the future of inorganic chemistry sciences. The articles should provide insight into the significance of hot emerging areas, as well as personal perspectives on these new developments. Chemistry frontiers could be speculative and controversial in nature. Some new unpublished results may be included but the amount should be minimized.

Chemistry frontiers are generally four journal pages in length. All contributions are subject to a rigorous and full peer review procedure.


Highlights feature the latest breakthroughs in inorganic chemistry and related fields. Authors should discuss on the importance of the recent advances, as well as the potential influence they may bring to the field. Highlights are short, easy-to-read articles within four journal pages.


Comments and Replies are a medium for the discussion and exchange of scientific opinions between authors and readers concerning material published in Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers.

For publication, a Comment should present an alternative analysis of and/or new insight into the previously published material. Any Reply should further the discussion presented in the original article and the Comment. Comments and Replies that contain any form of personal attack are not suitable for publication.

Comments that are acceptable for publication will be forwarded to the authors of the work being discussed, and these authors will be given the opportunity to submit a Reply. The Comment and Reply will both be subject to rigorous peer review in consultation with the journal’s Editorial Board where appropriate. The Comment and Reply will be published together.




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