出版周期:季刊 级别:国际刊号
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2578-3769
(Journal of Microelectronic Manufacturing)期刊简介
由微电子所、国科大微电子学院联合创办的国际全英文学术期刊《Journal of Microelectronic Manufacturing》(JoMM,国际标准期刊编号ISSN:2578-3769)成功创刊并于9月30日发行创刊号,标志着微电子所在集成电路制造领域国际化学术交流平台建设方面取得突破性进展。
近年来,全球尤其是中国集成电路产业制造技术迅猛发展,同步建设相关学术交流平台的需求日益迫切。目前,国内尚缺乏在此领域的国际化学术期刊。为加强集成电路制造领域的国内外学术交流、促进技术发展,微电子所、国科大微电子学院在2018年初创办了JoMM,并邀请众多来自国内外先进集成电路制造商、供应商、大学等研究机构的知名研究人员组成编辑委员会。JoMM旨在发表集成电路制造领域中从实验室理论阶段到工业大规模量产阶段的研究成果,内容包括但不限于Design、Process、Metrology & Yield Control、Packaging、Materials、Equipment等方面。
(Journal of Microelectronic Manufacturing)投稿须知
Submission Instructions
To make submission as easy as possible for you, when submitting a new article, we only require you to upload a single WORD file (and any relevant supplementary data) for your article. The file should contain your complete manuscript, including any embedded figures and tables.
Papers should be submitted via jomm@jommpublish.org or via the online manuscript submission system, the portal can be opened through the “submit a paper” link on the main page. If you are a new author, you will need to set up an account before submitting your first article.
In the online submission system, you will be asked to enter the title and abstract, and then to select some keywords. Please note that, if your article is accepted for publication, we will display these keywords on the published article. You will then be asked to enter your author information. Please include all the authors. We recommend you use authors’ full names and ORCID identifiers to avoid ambiguity. You may also propose preferred (and non-preferred) referees on submission. These suggestions will be considered, but the editorial staff and/or Editorial Board will make the final decision regarding referee selection. Any pertinent information that could affect the way the manuscript is handled may be provided in a cover letter. This may include highlighting anything particularly notable or significant about the research.