电力电子技术与应用英文学报(英文)(CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications)(国际期刊)(可网站投稿)

《电力电子技术与应用英文学报(英文)》(CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications)(季刊),杂志于2016年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,由中国电源学会主办,IEEE电力电子学会(IEEE PELS)技术协办。致力于报道电力电子与应用领域最新的国际动向和高水平发展成果,推动国内外学术、技术交流,促进该领域新技术、新理论的研究,鼓励创新,培养和发现科技人才。涉及的领域包括:开关电源,逆变器控制, SiC器件、新型功率器件及其应用,高频磁元件、集成磁技术和电磁兼容,系统仿真、建模与控制,再生能源转换技术与节能,及电力电子在输配电系统、电动车、照明和消费电子等领域中的应用。

本刊特点:高质量科技期刊(T2),高质量科技期刊(T3),EI 中国期刊(2024版),外文期刊,

电力电子技术与应用英文学报(英文)(CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications)(国际刊号)


出版周期:季刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2475-742X





(CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications)

《CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications》(缩写:CPSS TPEA)由中国电源学会主办,由IEEE电力电子学会(IEEE PELS)技术协办,创刊于2016年,英文季刊,已面向国内外公开发行,收录论文均以开放获取的形式被IEEE Xplore、Ei等数据库检索。

《CPSS TPEA》致力于报道电力电子与应用领域最新的国际动向和高水平发展成果,推动国内外学术、技术交流,促进该领域新技术、新理论的研究,鼓励创新,培养和发现科技人才。涉及的领域包括:开关电源,逆变器控制, SiC器件、新型功率器件及其应用,高频磁元件、集成磁技术和电磁兼容,系统仿真、建模与控制,再生能源转换技术与节能,及电力电子在输配电系统、电动车、照明和消费电子等领域中的应用。


(CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications)


For Authors


CPSS Transaction on Power Electronics and Applications’ scope includes new research results in the field of power electronics and applications. Papers that treat original component, device, module, circuit, control, system, or application issues are of interest. Papers that do not show sufficient overlap with interest in the power electronics field (for example, papers on topics such as device physics, component manufacturing technologies, and circuit theory) should be submitted to other journals. Authors should pay particular attention to documenting their work in relationship to the known literature. Papers of a historical or tutorial nature within the scope of this publication will also be considered.

A. Manuscript Types and Length

Only regular papers are accepted, and the paper final length should be kept within 9 pages.

Note that for each submission, papers that exceed the page limits above are subject to mandatory over length page charges, as discussed under Page Charges.

B. Uniqueness

Papers submitted for consideration should report on original results not previously presented in any other archival publication. Papers previously presented and published in a Conference Record or Conference Proceedings, improvements and additions beyond the conference paper should be made (China Power Supply Society reserves the right to the final interpretation of papers acceptance. ). The original conference paper must be listed in the reference section as well as in a footnote to the title on the first page of the manuscript. All results submitted to CPSS TPEAare expected to be cutting-edge research; therefore authors must submit their extensions of their conference papers to CPSS TPEAin a timely manner. It is not required for a paper to have been presented or published at a conference to make it eligible for consideration by CPSS TPEA. Copyright release may be required if the conference publication is copyrighted by an entity. Authors must indicate in their submission any prior presentation and publication at a conference or prior submission to any other publication. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain a copyright release if required for submission to CPSS TPEA.

Papers submitted to CPSS TPEA must be original content and without significant duplication of other papers by the same or different authors. Each manuscript is submitted to a similarity and authentication program, which checks each word in the paper against previously published articles and websites to ascertain the submission’s originality. Papers that do not pass this examination will not be reviewed for publication. In addition, by submitting to CPSS TPEA, the author is acknowledging that the paper has not been submitted to any other journal simultaneously, with the exception of conference papers as described above. If related but distinct work has been previously published by the authors, the manuscript must cite that work and make the distinction clear. If related but distinct work is simultaneously under review at another journal, the cover letter must include details of the other submission and explain the distinction. A copy of the other work may be required to verify that there is not significant overlap in the content.

Any graphics that are reused from other publications must include the reference number at the end of the caption. If the original publication is by a different author, permission from the author must be obtained. For CPSS publications email tpea@cpss.org.cn for approval; for non CPSS publications, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder. That status of these permissions should be stated in the cover letter.

Guidelines for Submitting a Paper for Review

China Power Supply Society uses ScholarOne Manuscripts, a professional web-based manuscript submission and peer-review tracking system. Authors must submit manuscripts electronically (as .pdf files) to http://tpea.cpss.org.cn or https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/tpea-cpss.

From this entry page, authors can initiate submission of a new manuscript and will be prompted for all the information required for a submission. First-time users must create a new account. All authors are responsible for understanding these guidelines before submitting a manuscript for consideration. Help is available on the web site, including telephone contacts.

A. Manuscript Format

The paper should be prepared based on A4-size paper, and should be in single-column, double-spaced format for regular paper submissions. Papers in the two-column, single-spaced format common for conference publication are not acceptable, as this form is difficult for reviewers. The paper should include all figures, tables, captions, and references. Author biographies, photos, and copyright form should be included in the initial submission. Do not include page numbers in the uploaded file—ScholarOne Manuscripts automatically adds page numbers and having two sets of page numbers could cause confusion.

At the present time, there are no Transactions templates suitable for single-column submission. However, when it comes time for double-column submission some authors find the template at the following link helpful, http://www.cpss.org.cn/uploads/soft/170216/Paper Template-CPSS TPEA.docx.

For increased readability during the review process, figures and tables should be interspersed throughout the text of the manuscript, accompanied by captions if possible. Authors should avoid using color in the manuscript unless the resulting graphics are fully legible and clear in monochrome reproduction. The final manuscript can include color content only if the authors intend to use and pay for color pages in the final paper as required by CPSS (see below).

References should be indicated using numbers in square brackets (e.g. [1], [2], and [3]), should be in a separate section at the end of the paper, and should be in the following style:

• Style for conference publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, in title of conference, date of conference, and page numbers (inclusive). Example: A. B. Researcher and Li Xing, “Input Impedance Modeling of Digital Controlled Bi-directional DC/DC Converter with Inductor Current Feedback,” in Proc. IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conf., 2014, pp. 214-219.

• Style for periodical journal publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, title of periodical, volume, page numbers (inclusive), month and year. Example: Lin Haixue, “Applying Situation and Prospects of Modern Energy Storage Technology,” Journal of Power Supply, vol. 13 No.5, pp. 34-40, May 2015.

• Style for books: Authors (first initials followed by last name), book title. Publisher location: publisher name, year, chapter or page numbers. Example: Abraham Pressman, Keith Billings, Taylor Morey, Switching Power Supply Design. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Education, 2009, Chap. 1.




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