出版周期:季刊 级别:国际刊号
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2475-4811;EISSN 2475-482X
实验室联合国际国内多所高校、科研院所主办国际期刊杂志《Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics》正式出版。该杂志由Stefano Lenci(马尔凯理工大学,Università Politecnica delle Marche),C. Steve Suh(德克萨斯A&M大学,Texas A&M University),庹先国(四川轻化工大学, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering)和 Jiazhong Zhang(西安交通大学,Xi’an Jiaotong University)担任主编,熊兴中(四川轻化工大学, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering)等担任编委。
《Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics》是一本跨学科期刊,旨在为工程人员和研究学者之间提供对话服务。本杂志报到高质量的动力系统测试相关的原创文章,探索动力系统和数据驱动动力学理论、建模和应用,以解决动力系统工程问题。欢迎数据科学、机器学习和人工智能在复杂动力系统设计和控制方面的论文,同时,也报道与物理科学和大规模动态系统相关的数据挖掘、深度学习和大数据方面的文章。本期刊的征稿主题为(但不限于):
◇ 数据和信号处理
◇ 热声振动
◇ 过程建模和设计
《Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics》采用匿名评审,每篇提交的手稿至少由两名本领域的评审人进行评审。此外,也欢迎编辑委员会成员或知名专家的推荐的手稿。
在稿件被接受后,作者有权利要求L&H Scientific Publishing以开放获取的方式出版接受的稿件,并且作者需支付每页100美元的开放获取出版费,版权仍由出版商持有。如果没有要求开放获取出版,接受的稿件将被视为传统出版。
Instructions For Authors
1. Journal Editorial Board
Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics (JVTSD) is published by the L&H Scientific Publishing LLC. The editors of JVTSD are responsible for scientific contents and editorial matters pertaining to the Journal. The accepted manuscripts for publication in JVTSD should significantly contribute to science and engineering.
JVTSD has an Editorial Board including editors, associate editors, and editorial board members. Board members play an important role on manuscript quality.
• The editors are appointed for five years by the L&H Scientific Committee and renewable. The editors steer the journal directions and control the journal aims and scopes.
• The associate editors are appointed for three-year terms by the Editors and renewable after consultation with the publishing editors from L&H Scientific Publishing. The associate editors handle manuscript peer-reviews.
• Editorial board members are appointed for two-years and renewable by the Editors through the recommendations of Associate editors. They will provide policy suggestion, paper reviews, and selections of new referees.
2. Manuscript Requirements
In this section, manuscript requirements are presented for authors how to prepare manuscripts for submission.
2.1 Regular and review papers
JVTSD publishes new and original results for regular papers painted to physical sciences and engineering. Pure mathematical and computational papers without a clear relationship to physics and engineering are not suitable for JVTSD.
• In general, the literature review and survey of past work should be necessary and appropriate if the paper can be made more understandable and self-contained.
• Submitted papers should be clearly and concisely written in good scientific English with good readability.
• New terminology should be introduced only as clearly needed with an accurate scientific meaning.
• In general, there is no limit to the length of regular and review articles. However, the concise writing of manuscripts is encouraged.
• The authors should follow the journal requirements to prepare manuscripts for publication, which can be found from the journal website (https://www.lhscientificpublishing.com/Journals/JVTSD-Default.aspx ). The reference citation should follow the journal required format manner.
• For reproduction of materials (e.g., figures and tables) from different journals, authors must provide the copyright permission of the corresponding publishers of the other journals.