Cell and Tissue Research《细胞与组织研究》(可网站投稿)

Cell and Tissue Research《细胞与组织研究》(月刊). The journal publishes regular articles and reviews in the areas of molecular, cell, and supracellular biology. In particular, the journal intends to provide a forum for publishing data that analyze the supracellular, integrative actions of gene products and their impact on the formation of tissue structure and function. Submission of papers with an emphasis on structure-function relationships as revealed by recombinant molecular technologies is especially encouraged.

杂志简称:cell tissue res
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:生物学、cell biology细胞生物学

Cell and Tissue Research《细胞与组织研究》


出版周期:月刊 地区:德国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0302-766X;EISSN 1432-0878

杂志官网 联系方式

出版地址:ONE NEW YORK PLAZA,SUITE 4600 ,NEW YORK,United States,NY,10004



Cell and Tissue Research

Submission guidelines

Instructions for Authors


The manuscripts must be written in English and accompanied by a Cover Letter.

Manuscript Submission

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Online Submission

Please follow the hyperlink “Submit manuscript” on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.

Please ensure you provide all relevant editable source files. Failing to submit these source files might cause unnecessary delays in the review and production process.

The Editorial Office is automatically alerted by the system immediately after your manuscript has been received.

If you face any problems using the electronic submission procedures or have any questions regarding the submission of your manuscript, please contact the Editorial

Office at ctr@springer.com

CTR is a ‘colour for free’ journal with no extra charges for colour figures to the author in both the print and online versions. Upon publication the corresponding author will

receive a free pdf of the article.

Authors using the system for the first time should follow the online instructions for setting up an author account. An ID and password will be e-mailed to new users. Co-authors

should note that they have the responsibility to read and edit manuscripts bearing their name. After logging in, authors may submit a new manuscript, check the status of a

manuscript under review or submit a revised version of their manuscript.

Text-file formats from most standard word processors and standard graphics formats are acceptable for online submission. There are no restrictions to individual file size as long as it does not exceed the overall file upload limit of 100MB. Each manuscript is automatically converted to pdf format when submitted by the authors. After a manuscript

has been successfully submitted online, authors will receive an e-mail with the manuscript ID. The decision made by the Coordinating Editor on the basis of a peer review system will be communicated by e-mail to the contact author.

Papers that do not conform to the general criteria for publication will be returned immediately, without detailed review. Otherwise, we try to let authors have the reviewers’ comments in less than a month.

Papers that do not conform to the general criteria for publication will be returned immediately, without detailed review. Otherwise, we try to let authors have the reviewers’ comments in less than a month. After acceptance, articles will be published Online First within approximately 6 weeks on the net (http://www. link.springer.com) and in the journal in less than three months. Orders for offprints can be placed during the production process after acceptance.

After acceptance, articles will be published Online First within approximately 6 weeks on the net (http://www.springerlink.com) and in the journal in less than three months. Orders for offprints can be placed by returning the order form with the corrected proofs.

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