JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS《行为成瘾杂志》(季刊). The aim of the journal is to create a forum for the scientific information exchange with regard to behavioral addictions. The journal is a broad focused interdisciplinary one that publishes manuscripts on different approaches of non-substance addictions, research reports focusing on the addictive patterns of various behaviors, especially disorders of the impulsive-compulsive spectrum, and also publishes reviews in these topics. Coverage ranges from genetic and neurobiological research through psychological and clinical psychiatric approaches to epidemiological, sociological and anthropological aspects.

杂志简称:j behav addict
收录属性:ssci(2024版), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:psychiatry 精神病学



出版周期:季刊 地区:匈牙利

杂志官网 联系方式




Guidelines for Authors


Aims and scope

The aim of the Journal of Behavioral Addictions is to create a forum for the scientific information exchange with regard to behavioral addictions. The journal is a broad focused interdisciplinary one that publishes manuscripts on different approaches of non-substance addictions, research reports focusing on the addictive patterns of various behaviors, especially disorders of the impulsive–compulsive spectrum, and also publishes reviews in these topics. Coverage ranges from genetic and neurobiological research through psychological and clinical psychiatric approaches to epidemiological, sociological and anthropological aspects.


In case of any query, please, feel free to contact:

Address of the Editorial Office

Zsolt Demetrovics, Editor-in-Chief

Institute of Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University

Journal of Behavioral Addictions

Izabella utca 46, H-1064 Budapest, Hungary

Phone: +36 30 9761097; Fax: +36 1 4612697

Conditions of submission and copyright issues

Submission of a paper to the Journal of Behavioral Addictions will be taken to imply that it represents original work not previously published, that it is not being considered elsewhere for publication, and that if accepted for publication it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the consent of editor and publisher. JBA is an Open Access journal. When publishing with Open Access the final published version can be archived and made publicly accessible by the author immediately after first publishing of the article. Copyright and publishing rights (other than the right of first publishing) are retained by the author, without any restrictions.

Article processing charges

The Journal of Behavioral Addictions is an Open Access journal. The corresponding author of every manuscript submitted after July 1, 2018 is requested to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) of 850 EUR (including VAT) to cover the publishing costs of the paper. Akadémiai Kiadó offers 50% discount for Editorial Board members, Hungarian institutions, and institutions of low- and middle-income countries. We offer 50% discount for Commentaries. We also offer 15% discount for corresponding authors who are members of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Addictions (ISSBA). Discounts may not be combined. Manuscripts with outstanding payment will not be published until the balance is cleared.

Once your paper is accepted for publication in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions you will be requested to enter our online payment platform (, where after registration You can upload license agreement and transfer the fee. Article processing will commence after the amount due has been remitted to our account. (Please note that there is no peer review charge, the only applicable fee is the article processing charge for authors of accepted papers.)

Open Access policy of the journal includes the free and unrestricted self-archiving of the final published version of papers on the Author’s webpage or on the Author’s institutional repository with open or restricted access. When selfarchiving or communicating a paper via e-mail, the Author should quote the correct citation and enclose a link to the published article ([DOI of the Article without brackets]).

Submission of manuscripts

Authors should submit their manuscripts using the online manuscript submission and peer review system Editorial Manager. Details are available online at All manuscript submissions should be accompanied by a Cover letter and a Title page. The Cover letter may include a list of suggested reviewers, their affiliations, and their e-mail addresses. The Title page should include statements regarding Funding sources, Authors’ contribution, Conflict of interest, and Ethics. Following the blind review process and the acceptance of the manuscript, these statements will be added to the published paper.

Preferred conditions of manuscripts

The Journal of Behavior Addictions strives to publish high quality papers. To ensure this goal, we apply some basic principles when reviewing a manuscript. Not fulfilling these principles may lead to desk rejection of a submitted manuscript.

JBA has a strong preference for studies that apply experimental or observational design (i.e., not cross-sectional design) and a random or systematic sampling method (i.e., not convenient sampling). Originality (raising new questions and hypotheses) plays an especially important role in the review process of manuscripts that use convenient sampling and cross-sectional design.

In case of psychometric studies, the sole adaptation of already existing measures to another single language is not preferred. However, psychometric studies that lead to new results regarding the construct or incremental validity and/or its further theoretical development are of interest.

Review of the manuscripts

Each paper will be read by at least two referees. The Journal of Behavioral Addictions applies a double-blind review process, in which both the authors’ and the reviewers’ identities are concealed. It is the authors’ responsibility to see that the manuscript itself contains no clues to the authors’ identity.


All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. The corresponding author affirms that he or she had access to all data from the study, both what is reported and what is unreported, and also that he or she had complete freedom to direct its analysis and its reporting, without influence from the sponsors. The corresponding author also affirms that there was no editorial direction or censorship from the sponsors. Preparation of drafts of manuscripts by employees of the sponsor who are not listed as authors is expressly prohibited.

Disclosure of financial relationships

Disclosure of financial relationships is required at the time of submission and provisional acceptance of all manuscripts, including original articles, reviews, commentaries, and book reviews. The authors are responsible for informing the Journal of any additional financial relationships that may arise prior to the date of publication of their paper. Financial support for the study is always disclosed on the Title page, whether from governmental, nonprofit, or commercial sources. Non-financial forms of support, such as drugs, analytic support, or other assistance with preparation of the manuscript, must also be acknowledged. All authors must individually disclose all financial relationships, whether or not directly related to the subject of their paper. Such reporting must include all equity ownership, profit-sharing agreements, royalties, patents, and research or other grants from private industry or closely affiliated nonprofit funds. For income from pharmaceutical companies, the purpose must be specified. Reporting should encompass the previous 36 months. If an author has no interests to disclose, this must be explicitly stated in the Title page.

The Editors will review all author statements of financial support to determine if there is evidence of bias from these sources. If it appears that there may be, then further review and possible rejection of the manuscript may occur. Authors are encouraged to contact the Editor at any stage in the manuscript review process if they believe that they have relationships that require review.

Ethical considerations

The Journal of Behavioral Addictions and Akadémiai Kiad´o are committed to the protection of animal and human research subjects and ethical practices in science publishing. Studies submitted to the Journal of Behavioral Addictions must have been conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and according to requirements of all applicable local and international standards. The Journal of Behavioral Addictions declares its support for and follows the ethical principles enshrined in the Farmington Consensus ( All authors must conform to the highest standards of ethical conduct in the submission of accurate data, acknowledging the work of others, and divulging potential conflicts of interests. Ethical statements should be included in the Methods section of the manuscript (see later).


Types of manuscripts

(1) Full-length reports reporting original results of research within the field of behavioral addictions. A Full-length report typically should not exceed 4000 words for the main body of the paper (i.e., excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables and figures). Manuscripts should be as concise as possible. In special cases manuscripts might exceed the 4000 words limit, however, in these cases a detailed justification is required in the cover letter.

(2) Review articles of specialized topics within the scope of the journal. Typically, these are systematic reviews or critical analyses of a field of research. A Review article typically should not exceed 6000 words (i.e., excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables and figures). Review articles must also have an abstract which follows the same (or similar) structure as the original (full-length) research reports.

(3) Brief reports reporting on research that has progressed to the stage where a preliminary publication is appropriate. Manuscript length for Brief reports is 2000 words (excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables and figures). There should be not more than 2 illustrations (figures or tables) and 30 references.

(4) Commentaries express points of view on scientific matters or published papers. Typically, Commentaries are solicited by the editors, but authors who wish to submit Commentaries are advised to contact the Editor-in-Chief to discuss the suitability of the proposed paper. A Commentary typically should not exceed 2000 words (excluding abstract and references). Commentaries must always have an abstract, which may be unstructured and consists of no more than 100 words.

(5) Case reports. Only exceptional cases will be considered for publication as a single case report. Case reports should describe novel, well-documented findings that will be of help and interest to the practitioner. Case reports typically should not exceed 2000 words (excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables and figures). Case reports always have an abstract, applying the following structure: Background, Case presentation/study, Discussion, Conclusions. The main text should follow this structure as well.

(6) Book reviews. Books for review should be sent to the Editorial Office of the Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Books are received with the understanding that reviewers selected by the Editor-in-Chief write their independent critical appraisals of the book’s content and presentation.

(7) Letters to the Editor. Brief letters (maximum of 1000 words, including references) will be considered for publication. Letters should not include figures and tables.

(8) Editorials are solicited by the editors. An Editorial typically should not exceed 2000 words (excluding abstract, references, acknowledgements, tables and figures).

(9) Our journal does not publish questionnaires.

Manuscript submission requirements

Manuscripts should be written in English and should be typed in double spacing with wide margins. All submissions have to include a separate Cover letter, a Title page and the manuscript itself.

The Title page should contain the title of the paper, a short running title, the name, the affiliation and the e-mail address of each author, and an indication of which author will be responsible for correspondence. All contact details (address with postal codes and countries, phone, FAX and e-mail) of the corresponding author are required. Abbreviations in the title should be avoided. The Title page should contain the date when the manuscript is submitted.

The Title page must contain the disclosures described below. Following the blind review process and the acceptance of the manuscript these statements will be added to the published paper:

– Funding sources: State even if no funding was obtained by writing “Nothing declared” or “No financial support was received for this study” or any other similar statement.

– Authors’ contribution: Please specify each author’s contribution to the manuscript. Use the monograms of the authors and specify their roles in preparing the manuscript. You may use the following roles: study concept and design, analysis and interpretation of data, statistical analysis, obtained funding, study supervision, or any other specific role. Also state whether all authors had full access to all data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.

– Conflict of interest: All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations within three years of beginning the work submitted that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. Also state if no conflict of interest was present by writing “The authors declare no conflict of interest” or “The authors report no financial or other relationship relevant to the subject of this article” or any other similar statement.

– You may add an optional Acknowledgements section for any further information you wish to disclose.

The format of the manuscript

Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should be presented on a separate sheet. With the exception of Book reviews, Letters to the Editor, Commentaries, and Editorials all manuscript types must have a structured abstract. Abstracts should be structured with specific sections describing the Background and aims, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.

Keywords: Abstracts should be accompanied by three to six key words or phrases that characterize the contents of the paper. These will be used for indexing and data retrieval purposes.

The body of research reports will generally include the following headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Further subheadings are acceptable.

Review papers and Case reports should also use the same (or similar) section headings and subheadings both in the manuscript and in the abstract.

The Methods section should have separate subsections and subheadings for the following methodological information: Participants, Measures, Procedure, Statistical analysis, and Ethics.

All empirical studies must have a short description on the ethics regarding the study. This should be placed at the very end of the Methods section (just before Results) under a separate subheading of Ethics. The Ethics section should contain information on the ethical approval of the study by the Institutional Review Board and the informed consent given by the participants of the study.

An example:


The study procedures were carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The Institutional Review Board of the [Name of the Institute] approved the study. All subjects were informed about the study and all provided informed consent. (If applicable: Parental consent was sought for those younger than 18 years of age.)

In order to secure anonymity in the manuscript you may mask the name of the Institute, however this must be mentioned in the Title page.

Sections should not be numbered. Please, avoid footnotes. Text headings: All headings in the text should be set over to the left-hand margin, and the text should begin on the next line. Type first level (sectional) HEADINGS ALL IN CAPITALS. For second and third level headings, only the first letter of the first word should be a capital. Use bold letters for second level headings and italic for third level headings.

References: Style, statistical reporting, and reference citations should conform to the American Psychological Association’s guidelines, from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition). To conform with the APA Publication Manual, sixth edition, references should be alphabetized at the end of the manuscript text. Please make sure that the DOI is provided after each article in the References.

Figures should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals, have descriptive captions and be mentioned in the text. Figures should be kept at the end of the manuscript text (after references) and an approximate position for each should be indicated in the margin. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission for any reproduction from other sources. Photographs should be submitted electronically in TIF or JPG format in separate files. Color figures submitted by the authors will appear in color on the web; however, the extra cost of color reproduction in the printed version must be borne by the authors. Authors will receive information regarding the costs from the editor after acceptance of the article.

Tables should be clearly typed with double spacing. Number tables with consecutive Arabic numerals and give each a clear descriptive heading. Avoid the use of vertical rules in tables. Table notes should be typed below the table, designated by superior lower-case letters. Tables should be kept at the end of the manuscript text (after figures) and an approximate position for each table should be indicated in the text.

Proofs: Authors will receive proofs (including figures) by e-mail for correction, which must be returned within 72 hours of receipt.

Page charges: There are no page charges.

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