Ornithology Research《鸟类学研究》(可网站投稿)
Ornithology Research《鸟类学研究》(季刊). We publish original reseach papers, short-communications and reviews related to the biology of birds, with an emphasis on documentation, analysis, and interpretation of field and laboratory studies, presentation of new methodologies, theories or reviews of ideas or previously known information. Ornithology Research has a focus on the Neotropical region, but it is open to global studies on birds.
Ornithological Applications《鸟类学应用》(可网站投稿)
Ornithological Applications《鸟类学应用》(季刊). Ornithological Applications is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research, syntheses, and assessments from all parts of the globe focusing on the application of scientific theory, ornithological knowledge, and methods to the conservation and management of birds and to policy. Ornithological Applications also seeks social science studies and interdisciplinary papers: those that integrate biological, social, and/or economic data to document the value of ecosystem services provided by birds, the consequences of particular conservation actions, or the impact of energy projects on birds.
Paediatrics and International Child Health《儿科与国际儿童健康》(可网站投稿)
Paediatrics and International Child Health《儿科与国际儿童健康》(季刊). Paediatrics and International Child Health is an international forum for all aspects of paediatrics and child health in developing and low-income countries. The international, peer-reviewed papers cover a wide range of diseases in childhood and examine the social and cultural settings in which they occur. Although the main aim is to enable authors in developing and low-income countries to publish internationally, it also accepts relevant papers from industrialised countries. The journal is a key publication for all with an interest in paediatric health in low-resource settings.
Ornis Fennica《芬兰雀鸟》(可网站投稿)
Ornis Fennica《芬兰雀鸟》(季刊). Ornis Fennica is a peer-reviewed international ornithological journal published by BirdLife Finland. Ornis Fennica publishes analytical and experimental papers on the ecology, behaviour and biogeography of birds. We prefer studies concerning Fennoscandian species, but other novel contributions of general interest are most welcome as well.
Emu-Austral Ornithology《鸸鹋:澳大利亚鸟类学》(可网站投稿)
Emu-Austral Ornithology《鸸鹋:澳大利亚鸟类学》(季刊). Emu – Austral Ornithology is the premier journal for ornithological research and reviews related to the Southern Hemisphere and adjacent tropics. The journal has a long and proud tradition of publishing articles on many aspects of the biology of birds, particularly their conservation and management.
Journal of Raptor Research《猛禽研究杂志》(可网站投稿)
Journal of Raptor Research《猛禽研究杂志》(季刊). The Journal of Raptor Research (JRR) is an international scientific journal dedicated entirely to the dissemination of information about birds of prey. Established in 1967, JRR has published peer-reviewed research on raptor ecology, behavior, life history, conservation, and techniques. JRR is available quarterly to members in electronic and paper format.
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews《儿科呼吸评论》(可网站投稿)
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews《儿科呼吸评论》(季刊). Paediatric Respiratory Reviews offers authors the opportunity to submit their own editorials, educational reviews and short communications on topics relevant to paediatric respiratory medicine. These peer reviewed contributions will complement the commissioned reviews which will continue to form an integral part of the journal.
BIRD STUDY《鸟类研究》(可网站投稿)
BIRD STUDY《鸟类研究》(季刊). Bird Study publishes high quality papers relevant to the sphere of interest of the British Trust for Ornithology: broadly, field ornithology, especially related to evidence-based bird conservation. Papers are especially welcome on: patterns of distribution and abundance, movements, habitat preferences, developing field census methods, ringing and other techniques for marking and tracking birds.
JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY《鸟类学杂志》(季刊). The Journal of Ornithology (formerly Journal für Ornithologie) is the official journal of the German Ornithologists Society (http://www.do-g.de/ ) and has been the Society´s periodical since 1853, making it the oldest still existing ornithological journal worldwide.
JOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY《野生鸟类学杂志》(季刊). Published on behalf of the Association of Field Ornithologists, Journal of Field Ornithology publishes original articles that emphasize the descriptive or experimental study of birds in their natural habitats. Articles depicting general techniques, emphasizing conservation, describing life history, or assessing published studies or existing ideas are appropriate. The Journal is especially interested in field studies conducted in the Neotropics and those involving participation by nonprofessional ornithologists.
Maternal & Child Nutrition《母婴营养》(可网站投稿)
Maternal & Child Nutrition《母婴营养》(季刊). Maternal & Child Nutrition addresses fundamental aspects of nutrition and its outcomes in women and their children, both in early and later life, and keeps its audience fully informed about new initiatives, the latest research findings and innovative ways of responding to changes in public attitudes and policy. Drawing from global sources, the Journal provides an invaluable source of up to date information for health professionals, academics and service users with interests in maternal and child nutrition. Its scope includes pre-conception, antenatal and postnatal maternal nutrition, womens nutrition throughout their reproductive years, and fetal, neonatal, infant, child and adolescent nutrition and their effects throughout life.
IBIS《鹮》(季刊). IBIS publishes original papers, reviews, short communications and forum articles reflecting the forefront of international research activity in ornithological science, with special emphasis on the behaviour, ecology, evolution and conservation of birds. IBIS aims to publish as rapidly as is consistent with the requirements of peer-review and normal publishing constraints.
Ornithology《鸟类学》(原:AUK《海雀》)(季刊). Ornithology publishes original research from all parts of the globe that tests fundamental, scientific hypotheses through ornithological studies and advances our understanding of living or extinct bird species. Descriptive studies are considered if they present new taxonomic information about birds, such as scientifically rigorous descriptions of new species, or important discoveries that open novel avenues of fundamental, ornithological research.
WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY《威尔逊鸟类学杂志》(季刊). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology began publication in 1889, and continues to publish work and book reviews related to the study of living birds and their behavior, ecology, adaptive physiology, and conservation.
WATERBIRDS(水鸟)(季刊). Waterbirds is an international scientific journal, published four times a year, specializing in the biology, status, ecology, management and conservation of all waterbird species living in marine, estuarine and freshwater habitats. Waterbirds welcomes submission of scientific articles and notes containing the results of original studies worldwide, unsolicited critical commentary and reviews of appropriate topics.
Journal of Structural Biology《结构生物学杂志》(可网站投稿)
Journal of Structural Biology《结构生物学杂志》(季刊). JSB publishes papers dealing with the experimental structural analysis of living material at every level of organization by all methods that lead to an understanding of biological function in terms of molecular and supramolecular structure.
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine《电磁生物学与医学》(可网站投稿)
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine《电磁生物学与医学》(季刊). Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, publishes peer-reviewed research articles on the biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (from extremely-low frequency to radiofrequency). Topic examples include in vitro and in vivo studies, epidemiological investigation, mechanism and mode of interaction between non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and biological systems. In addition to publishing original articles, the journal also publishes meeting summaries and reports, and reviews on selected topics.